Monday, December 22, 2014

Derogatory names....Or, what others do when THEY think YOU should be offended....

But are apparently too stupid to know.

Not too long ago, a group of people I grew up with, but not in the normal sense of the phrase "grew up with"...We grew all up together in difference places at different times type of thing.  We grew up in the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and are still growing up in this millennia, some of us haven't even been born yet. Anyway, it has come to national attention that we should be offended by the derogatory name we have been called for generations.  How could this possibly be?  We don't find ourselves offensive, we aren't offensive to each other, the name we claim for ourselves and call each other (proudly, I might add) is found offensive by others who have no remote attachment to us.

How can they, in all of their self-righteous glory, step in and try to change what and who we are? What gives them the right?  I am of many ethnic bloodlines, my family's religious views run from Jewish to Christian with many not claiming anything at all.  Are what we claim to be or even call ourselves truly anyone's business other than our own?  Some people have last names that can be perceived as derogatory or akin to rat.  Should we take it upon ourselves to attempt a movement to change them simply because we find ourselves offended...not by them, but for them. If their kids have this name, then other kids who aren't associated with that name won't understand them and see them in a less positive light and may even make fun of them.  Apparently they are too stupid to know this, so we will fix it and rename them....for their own good, of course.  

In this theory of self-righteousness butting in, I am offended for you, therefore I will change what you and others like you will be called...It's for your own good, so that you will better fit in.   Your name is Green, well many people don't like the color green because of grass allergies or they don't spinach so for you to be better accepted by those people your name will now be "Aquamarine" because I like it better.

All throughout history, people of like ethnicities, occupations and even locations have been able to call each other certain things within those above mentioned examples, and it's okay.  It may not be okay for others to call them that, but amongst their own, it's acceptable.  Has anyone created a movement to erase this culture?  Especially using a tactic that doesn't directly involve that specific group of people, or even bother to check with them before putting it into motion?  Nope! And why not?  Because they'd be met with a negative response and the targeted sect would undoubtedly push back, protest and fight for their identity.  BRATS are no different.

I am a Military Brat, more specifically an Army Brat.  My friends are BRATs as well. We represent all branches of the Military, without exclusion.  It is our descriptor by which we identify.  We are of all colors, all and no religions, all and multiple ethnic backgrounds however we are all AMERICANS first.  We may have lived in the same places but at different times or we may have never lived in the same location at any time.  We may have gone to school together, or may have never met in person.

What binds us together is the fact that we are BRATS, we have the common bond that one or both of our parents has chosen to answer the call of our Nation.  We are not an elite group of people, and it's not exactly a club, but unless one or both of your parent's have chosen to serve, you cannot be part.  It is a heritage and birthright, but not one that can be passed down from generation to generation, there has to be sacrifice involved with each generation that followed.  It's not like USAA, where if your parent or grandparent or even great grandparent served, you are good to go and if they were members, you can be too.  It's not like being eligible to join the Daughter's or Son's of the Revolution where all you need is one Patriot in your direct line and you can submit an application and documents. We are not elite, but we are special.  We are not heroes, but we do represent our Nation when we live overseas, we represent our American culture through our BRAThood.  We are only special because we have fathers and mothers who are HEROES.

So, why do the few outsiders who find what we call ourselves offensive or derogatory, chose to erase us?   Perhaps they should look at themselves and figure out why they have such a passion to fix what isn't broken.  We like what we are and rather than attack us, maybe they should try to embrace who and what they are

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